Professional and rigorous standards of German precision manufacturing
Comprehensive System Assistance, Six-star Support System
Comprehensive Function Upgrade
Cooperate with major Internet platforms to promote nationwide linkage marketing.
Powerful after-sales service system, online all year round, perfect answer to after-sales customer sales series of quest
Strong production team, R & D team, marketing team, strength guarantee
Terminal store opening support, free store matching, image design.
Create Super Talent Training
We have been transforming the ideas and visions projects.
山東宏業紡織股份有限公司位于偉人故鄉廣東省中(zhōng)山市,紡織服裝名鎮沙溪鎮。臨近廣珠西線高速和105國産,交通便利,四通八達。擁有先進的智能氣包紡紗機,氨綸并紗機,短纖倍撚機,投資(zī)總額2600萬人民币,年生(shēng)産能力5000噸彈力包氨紗。 本公司主要生(shēng)産經營高彈滌包氨彈力紗,錦包氨彈力紗,混紡合股紗,功能性産品主要有: 涼感産品:冰涼絲、親膚寶(含膠原蛋白(bái)),冰膚寶TM,冰膚寶TM醋酸; 保暖産品:火(huǒ)山岩發熱絲,石墨烯火(huǒ)山岩發熱絲,氣凝膠...
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